Sunday, January 23, 2011

From Yaounde to Bamenda

Bus trip extraordinaire

First day in Bamenda,the city closest to my placement in Bafut. Nine of us journeyed yesterday on a packed bus five seats in a row, multiple adults and children in a seat ( a woman in the seat two down from me had two toddlers on her knee the whole way). The bus was to leave at 8, so as good foreigners, we all got on the bus at 8:15 and waited. The engines started at 9:00 which we took to be a good sign. By 9:30 people were getting on, getting off, reshuffling and the driver started collecting tickets and honking his horn. We left at 10:00 already hot, sweaty and rapidly swelling....

The first hour of the trip we got talked to by an assistant of the bus driver. He spoke first about bus/travelling etiquette: don't feed your pickins ( children) too much or they will have to pee and poo on the trip; don't chew gum and put it on the seat for the next man ( no gender differentiation in the Pidgin language) to sit on; when you get food please to share it with your fellow man so that no man shall go hungry; please get the attention of the driver if private businesses have to be conducted on route...). He then spoke about this bus being a family while we are together. He had us all smile and say good morning to all the people around us on the bus. He then led us in a prayer. It was a fine way to start a trip.

He then regaled us with a lecture on teeth brushing, how to do it, when to do it, the kind of brushes to use, and how to get children to brush ( this was an interactive process). He sold toothpaste particular to smokers and people that have brown teeth- he discounted it for people travelling to villages while town folks paid full price. After the tooth brushing lecture, came the lecture on the virtues of calcium. Half and hour and many packets of Chinese made calcium later he wished us all a good journey and sat down.

There were short stops on the way where market people either came on the bus or sold things through the windows ( pineapples, peanuts, papayas, coconut pieces, candy, etc). We had one 15 minute stop to use a washroom and grab food. Then back on the bus. The bus pulled out and parked 100 meters up the road to wait for 2 slackers that were late. When they got on the bus several people chastised them- the pickins were boiling here, etc.

People here are quite frank with comments and instructions. It is refreshing. Older women discipline others children, people keep each other in line when behaviour is not acceptable.

After a 3 hour wait for dinner in the hotel,(remember the cheese shop in Monty Python?), we all collapsed into our palatial rooms and crashed.

Tomorrow is Bafut to tour the Fon's palace and see where my new home will be. Pictures will come on my next entry.


1 comment:

  1. Sounds absolutely fascinating, yet I am so very glad you are there and not I.
