Saturday, January 29, 2011

First Week in Bafut

First week in Bafut

I am getting used to being called white man,especially by the children. There's no gender differentiation here.

I am getting used to scaring children because of my skin color.

I am getting used to eating mounds of corn meal mush and jamajama ( sliced, boiled greens).

I am still not used to being waited on by young people; getting meals made, cleaning done,etc. I need to get assertive and cook some of my own meals. When I asked my host about shopping and cooking for myself she asked me why?

I am still not used to the sitting around aspect of Cameroon. There is a lot of visiting and imparting information in the day to day connection between people.

I am not used to the fact that I have paid for nothing since I have come into this family. We have gone out for drinks in the evening a few times and if I'm invited I don't pay. I will have to invite them and then they will have no choice but to let me pay! There is no concept here of potluck. If dave invited the hikers to the Xmas party he would have to supply all the food ( way to go Joanne), and at least two drinks a person.

I am not used to, and just can't, eat because it is offered. I am mastering the art of rubbing my belly and saying ' belly flop' which means belly is full up in Pidgin. If I stop by to say hello I will be asked to take drink or food ( see how hard it is to make a choice?).

I have had my first motorcycle ride as a passenger. I was scared ...less. I created much enjoyment and merriment for everyone. They are determined to teach me to ride myself. There is a motorcycle connected to the group that I can use. I think I might just stick with cabs as much as I can. At 150 francs a ride ( about 50 cents) it's worth it ( even with 7 people in a cab).

I am loving saying good morning/afternoon/evening to everyone, usually with a one or two handed hand shake. With a few women I know a little better I am getting a slap first that moves into a handshake with a snap of the fingers to finish off.

I am getting used to seeing little kids (3+) walking alone or in small groups long distances to school. Also, seeing kids with huge burdens on their heads walking great distances for their families ( with food, wood, etc).

I have not adjusted to the slowness and inconsistency of the communication here. My internet is down as much a s it is up and running. Downloading a document or attaching one can take hours.

I am getting adjusted to the women in this group breaking into song and clapping , maybe doing a dance around a table. They are threatening to have me play goalie for International Women's Day when the women challenge the men to a soccer match. Funny eh girls. Stayed tuned for March 8th news.

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