Monday, April 11, 2011

April 8, 2011

April 7, 2011

After the last time I wrote I have to send a message of hope and optimism. Today it was a great day. The in-laws of the woman who is staying here after her husband threw her out, didn’t show up. They have been coming to our workplace almost daily to convince her to go back ( he has a young second wife and new babe). She has been standing strong with me standing along side her ( I am ready to tell this family I am part of a human rights delegation that is looking into the abuse of women by husbands, particularly polygamous husbands).

Then I went to the post office after we finally located the mail box key, and I had cards and 2 parcels ( filled with chocolate and dental floss). Thanks sistas!!! Then Veronica got a bottle of wine from a grateful client. And then, the phone guy that I see a lot tells me he has reduced my rate to 25 francs a minute instead of 50. That is about 6 cents a minute. Can’t beat that. I think he feels bad that the phone doesn’t work half the time. Then a friend emails that she wants to donate a bit of money for our mushroom farm business- that just about sent Veronica into spasms, she was so excited.

Oh, I forgot the Emmentaler cheese I found on the weekend and had this morning in crepes. How much better can life get than cheese to start the day.

So, I am reminding myself to be grateful for small things. Indeed I am looking for them every day. The spring is very beautiful and mornings have the low mist that we have at home. Everyone is farming from the smallest child to the elders. All by hand…

My work has been busier which really helps me have a even perspective on life. We have been working on a gender based violence project proposal and looking for funding from a few big funders. I am writing and researching- Ntankah was waiting on me coming to go forward with this because of my experience- they are hoping I will be able to be here for the set up of the program. We are looking at awareness, rights workshops, working with local politicians, shelter, support and vocational training. I want to have Cowichan Women Against Violence Society as a partner to us. That would be so cool!

I have also been trying to work with staff on support. The counsellors/field people, are traumatized when they return from seeing the most marginalized and sick people in the villages around Bamenda. They interview people with AIDS or HIV and give them information, awareness, nutrition and health advise and try to help with connecting them to hospitals and our clinic. At times , they get triggered by what they see, the poverty of the people, and how many are abandoned by their families ( still many superstitions about HIV).

We are harvesting our first mushroom from our new business ( I have enclosed me getting my certificate). We just planted our second crop and are selling this one. We are saving money for a dehydrator to do mushrooms and perhaps mangos ( the season is just around the corner).

So I am busier and embracing that. The volunteers in the HIV agencies are plotting as well with VSO to change some of the ways we work- on e way being doing more collaborative work with our partners so we aren’t all replicating the same work. That will be great.

Other than this I have met a wonderful women who works here , a real job, in a Victims of Torture agency. She is training staff. Nice to know the different options for people like me!

On that note I am starting some coaching with a very bright women who did this for big bucks at home ( a Royal Roads graduate actually). She is putting me through my paces- I hope to come up with a plan for my life at the end of the process. Wish me luck!!!

And then there are the good books volunteers are sharing around. I have just read The Help and Amy Tan's saving Fish from Drowning. Both great. I have also watched a few good movies thanks to Rick and volunteers who are sharing those two.

To all of you, I appreciate so much your support and words of encouragement over my time here. It is so great and I will call on you when or if I am flagging.

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