Monday, March 21, 2011

March 12, 2011

March 12, 2011

Happy International Women’s day to all of you! This place knows how to throw a celebration.

There were over 800 women’s groups marching in the northwest region that I am in. All of them had matching uniforms ( in our case cabas in green and yellow), head scarves, and signs , some inspiring, some just with the organizations/groups name. We met down on the main street and marched past the bandstand where the local and area dignitaries sat ( including the governor and local fons). There was a lot of clapping and picture taking.

We then cabbed back to Ntankah’s offices where we had put up canopies and set out chairs. Women had cooked last night for a crowd and beer and sodas were brought in. Grassroots women from the area ( sister organizations) arrived with a large bus and the party got started.

Speeches ( I was elected to do one), a great lunch, a fashion show, several songs from us as hosts and impromptu songs galore. A large youth contingent led us in many dances and got us old people really grooving. We then had a dance contest of traditional dances which was a blast, and we had names of men and women called out ( we had to find each other and dance). I got the quarter head of our division! A thoroughly enjoyable the day. The music and beer flowed.

What’s happened to us at home? The young people here that are aware, educated and involved want a better future for men and women, gender equality and no more HIV. The are real pioneers spreading the word against lots of opposition. They are involved in water issues, land issues, women’s rights. It is inspiring and let’s me know how far we have come in my generation. I forget some of the struggles from the past.

For my hiking buddies, last weekend I was able to hike again in one of the most beautiful spots I have seen so far. Three cabs and one motorcycle ride later we were in a valley surrounded by mountains. The valley has rich, black soil and farmers there grow tomatos, corn and tons of rice. My two buddies look out on the rice fields- it is the kind of view most of us would pay big bucks to sit in front of. PS. They happen to have water and Sykpe access as well. I may be a frequent visitor! This is where we are having the March birthday weekend.

There are two volunteers there working in one of the few mental health treatment programs in our region. It is much like a l’Arche community with patients ( called students) live with staff and caregivers. They work in small industries and have a combination of traditional and modern therapies ( including herbal and modern medicines and traditional healing practices. It is an inspiring community and a beautiful place.

Well, now it is the 12th and my internet is still not working.....I join the millions who say 'arghhhh, Cameroon!”. when my internet cooperates I will send this off.

Thursday was clean up day for the region- I forgot, was in Bamenda town and walked 2 hours back to work. No cabs run and any motorcycles caught by the police are in trouble. I am considering it a workout!!! Everyone is supposed to clean the front and surroundings of their homes and businesses. Then a mass burning happens of everything....yes, all the toxic substances we get to breathe.

Here it is Saturday and still trying internet. It may be spring before you get this entry. Saturday routine- get water, walk 20 minutes for a taxi to go to the market. First an hour in the bank as I shuffle from the guard, to the first suited man, to the next suited man to stamp my withdrawl slip, then into the 'vault'. I'm out. Groceries at one store, fabric in the main market, meat at the meat side of the market, vegies and fruits at the other side. Dodge taxis, go to the one bakery tha has baguettes and I trudge to the taxi area laden with knapsack and bags. Return trip home , walk 20 minutes. Unpack, wash clothes by hand, scrub my floors, eat lunch and drop with heat exhaustion in front of my computer. You wonder why I'd rather be trekking!!!!!

Next weekend is March birthday celebration weekend. Long trek, bonfire, tea plantation visit ( I hope). Stayed tuned for my mushroom growing workshop Monday and Tuesday and I workshop I am doing with 2 colleagues plus a volunteer on Wednesday and Thursday. This week I will earn my keep!!!

Love to you all.


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